Times to Remember

NCHS Senior Class Party 

All student participants must abide by the Code of Conduct. Avoidance of problems is one of the goals to help ensure  a memorable and fun-filled night for all who attend.

1.      Any student using alcohol and or other chemicals will be subject to dismissal.  After a phone call home, he/she will be turned over to his/her parents or guardians only.

2.      Students are encouraged not to carry large hand or shoulder bags.  All bags/ purses and coats must be put in coat check at the beginning of the evening.

3.      Students need to bring a student photo I.D. or driver’s license to ensure proper identification and admission to the party.

4.      To prevent possible damage to any floors, please wear athletic shoes or other soft soled shoes.

5.      Because many hours will be spent on decorations, we ask students cooperation in leaving the decorations in place.  We will be reusing all of the decorations from year to year.

6.      State law forbids students from smoking on the school ground.  NO SMOKING will be allowed at the Senior Party.


I am aware of and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct of the Senior Class Party: 

______________________________________           _____________________________________________
               Student Name (printed)                                         Student signature                                       Date

No student will be allowed to attend the party without signing and 
submitting this Code of Conduct Form, a Permission Form, and Payment.

Mail To: 
Carla Rommel
227 Arlington
Naperville, IL 60565

Form updated 03/28/2009