Elmhurst, Illinois  All Photos by Rick McNees 
 F. B. Henderson House, 301 South Kenilworth Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois - 1901 - Frank Lloyd Wright 


 Henderson House by Frank Lloyd Wright - 1901Frank Lloyd Wright Henderson House - Elmhurst, IL - 1901Frank Lloyd Wright Henderson House - Elmhurst, IL - 1901Frank Lloyd Wright Henderson House - Elmhurst, IL - 1901  
 William H. Emery Jr. House, 281 South Arlington Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois - 1903 - Walter Burley Griffin 

William B. Sloane House, 248 South Arlington Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois - 1909 - Walter Burley Griffin

 Grau House 288 North Addison Avenue Elmhurst, Illinois - 1907 - E. E. Roberts 

Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois 
William H. Watt House #2, 29 Ash, Lombard, Illinois - 1921 - John S. Van Bergen

This was the second home built for Mr. and Mrs. William H. Watt and daughter Ruth. Mr Watt worked with Van Bergen's father where they were both auditors for the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. The first house was located at 806 N. Columbian in Oak Park, Illinois.


Villa Park, Illinois 
 Charles C. Heisen House, 346 East Highland Avenue, Villa Park, Illinois - 1920 - American System-Built Homes 
Wheaton, Illinois 
 Dudley Walker House, 1011 South Crest Street, Wheaton, Illinois - 1913- Walter Burley Griffin 
Winfield, Illinois    
 Prairie style recreation in the modern era at 27w520 Washington in Winfield, Illinois 
 Prairie Architecture in Winfield, Illinois on McNees.org WrightSitePrairie Architecture in Winfield, Illiniois on McNees.org Wrightsite  
This page lasted updated 12/17/17 .





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